Very often it is thought that a chew to be considered valid must last indefinitely, hours and hours, to keep our dog busy for a very long time.

Here it's not quite like that.

In fact, the risk is that the dog will lose interest or get bored after a certain amount of time if he fails or cannot finish it, which is why many end up hiding them, burying them in the garden or around the house.

To evaluate the quality of a chew, rather than the duration itself, which as we will see is very variable, the state of contentment of the dog during the chewing activity must be taken into consideration.

By chewing, the dog relaxes and feels satisfied, for this reason there should always be a moment during the day when he can carry out this activity, even if only for a couple of minutes.

However, the duration is very variable, both from the type of chewing and from the type of dog, i.e. from its chewing experience, its teeth and its voracity.

It's up to us to get to know our dog enough to select the most suitable products for him.

A good hard and demanding chew, such as pig's trotter, can easily last half an hour / twenty minutes, but this does not make it the only valid one, on the contrary.

Even the simplest chews to chew should be chosen as an alternative, faster and more like snacks, to offer variability to our dog.